Tuesday 21 August 2012

Cigarette facts and How Electronic Cigarette Can Save You.

In every cigarette it is only the nicotine that causes the maximum damage. On an average, smoking a complete cigarette means that the particular smoker has consumed a few mg of pure nicotine. So, what is so wrong about nicotine and how using it can cause respiratory diseases? In short, nicotine is actually a very obsessive kind of thing. Its effect and characteristics is similar to heroin or any other obsessive drug. Anyone who once get habituated to it, find it very hard to curb the temptation.
Electronic Cigarette

Whenever, one smoke, nicotine reaches the lungs and gets mixed up with the oxygen. It then intensifies the blood pumping rate, ultimately causing the heart to beat more rapidly and faster. It is due to that reason, why there is a considerable increase in the hypertension and significant contraction of veins vessels. To counter such kind of situation, the human body releases adrenaline which causes the pulse rate to rise and ultimately the rate of metabolism intensifies. Apart from that, there are many other effects of smoking, which causes serious damage to the human body. So, to save oneself from such kind of effects, the best measure is to completely avoid it. However, if you are too much addicted to smoking, then it would be better if you opt for safer alternatives such as Electronic Cigarettes.  

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