Wednesday 1 August 2012

Vital Aspects of Using Electronic Cigarettes

There is no hiding of this truth that smoking conventional cigarettes is really quite injurious to one's health. So, there are many reasons why, to remain healthy, one should quit this habit by using Electronic Cigarette.

Electronic Cigarette
The prime example, how smoking cigarettes can cause serious issue is the death of thousands of smokers, from all around the world. These cigarettes contain harmful tobacco and many other injurious things, which have damaging effect on cardiovascular and respiratory organs of the body.

Conventional cigarettes contains very harmful nicotine and carbon monoxide. It is these constituents of the cigarettes which tremendously increases the heart pump rate and blood pressure of the person for a short duration of time. However, during such situation, it feels quite good, but such kind of immediate rush of blood, ultimately causes a strain on the heart and blood vessels of the smokers.

Smoking gives an immediate feel of rush. However, it also releases tar, which damages the lungs of the smoker and introduces it to lung cancer.

Carbon monoxide present in the cigarettes destroys the oxygen present in the tissues of muscle, brain and the body. 

There is no dearth of disadvantages of smoking cigarettes. However, currently, apart from Electronic Cigarettes, there is no other way of quitting this habit. 

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